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Welcome to Reception

The Reception teachers are:

Sally-Ann Roberts (Phase leader)

Zoe Foreman

Tracey Bax


The Teaching Assistants are:







P.E is on Monday morning. 

Please remember that earrings must be removed for P.E 

The Three Is in the EYFS: intent, implementation and impact.

Early Reading and phonics at Clifford Road

An Introduction to Twinkl Phonics

Reception photographs for prospective parents and pupils

Election Day

We have been talking about the general election happening and what it is. We even talked about the word 'democracy' and found out that it means everyone can have a say in who leads our country. We then had our own vote in class - not for a leader but for our favourite minibeast! 🐌🐜🐝🐞🐌. We each had a voting paper and had to put one X next to our favourite ( without anyone else seeing our vote), and then post it in the ballot box. When we had all voted, the teachers tipped them all out of the box and we sorted them into piles for each minibeast vote. We counted them up and found out that in both R1 & R2, a butterfly is the favourite minibeast winning majority of the votes. 


We have started our new topic ‘Minibeasts’. We looked at some pictures and watched some videos of minibeasts and labelled parts of an insect (we learnt some new vocabulary: thorax, antennae and abdomen). We also wrote some speech bubbles for minibeasts! We then made a long list of all the minibeasts we knew and are looking forward to finding out some facts about them so we become minibeast experts! 🐛🐌🕷🐜🐞🐝

Our new class visitors - Caterpillars🐛🐛

We are very excited to welcome some new visitors to our reception classrooms, Caterpillars. As part of our minibeast topic we are going to watch them grow and change. We learnt a new word too - 'metamorphosis'.....we are going to keep a careful eye on them take lots of photos as they change and transform. 🐛

The Caterpillars are now beautiful Butterflies...

The reception children had a lovely surprise this week,  our chrysalids were empty and we had 5 beautiful butterflies in the butterfly net. We had a good look at them and then took them outside and let them fly away - goodbye butterflies!

The topic books we have been reading.

See how our garden grows! (July 2024)

We are very pleased with our garden area - everything is looking good!

Our Reception Garden Summer 2024

The children in Reception have been busy in the garden with Terri. They have planted Peas,Chard, Carrots, Purple Kohlrabi, Dwarf Beans, Marigolds, Spring Onions, Sweet Peppers, Chives, Rocket, Mixed leaf Lettuces, Tomatoes and Broad Beans. 


Evil Pea and the pea gang trapped Supertato's friends in ice! The children worked together to give Supertato ideas about how to free his friends and save the day! They then made some more fruit and veggie friends for Supertato!

Our summer topic is Superheroes

Superhero books we have enjoyed listening to in this topic!

Reception topics 2023-24

The Nativity

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Music Fun!

It's science week!

The caterpillars have arrived! 

We have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and are so excited because we have our own caterpillars in class. We are going to watch them grow from tiny caterpillars into big fat caterpillars (just like in the story), and then watch as they form their cocoons and then.....emerge as butterflies! We are going to take a photograph every day to put on the website so that the whole family can watch their progress. Enjoy!

We enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. We did Chinese writing, made animal masks, retold the story of the race, made Chinese lanterns and tried some Chinese food - fortune cookies, prawn crackers and lychees.
We enjoyed well-being week. We listened to the story 'I want my hat back' and made hats for the bear as he lost his! We also drew our favourite part of the story, and made a scene with all the characters. Helen, the cook, talked to us about healthy eating and made us a healthy pizza wrap to taste and Jack played parachute games with us. 

We have been learning about how to be healthy. We made a healthy lunchbox, sorted food following the 'traffic light' system, made a healthy plate of food with playdough, and talked about the importance of exercise. We also looked closely at some fruit and vegetables; we drew and painted them and also had a taste! We hope you enjoy looking at our photographs!

A day in Reception
