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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Not only are the children entering Year 3 this year, but it also marks their transition into Key Stage 2. 

We will work collaboratively to learn, share and explore the world around us, and we have some exciting topics to help us do this. We will continue to build friendships, make good choices and value and respect those around us.


The Teaching Staff are:

Mrs Amanda Norris

Mr Matt Holmes






Other useful information:


PE is on a Monday afternoon.


Children must come to school in their PE kit . In colder weather please make sure they are wearing suitable jogging bottoms/leggings and their school sweatshirt/cardigan. In warmer weather please make sure they have a sun hat, water bottle and that sun cream has been applied before school.



Homework will be set on EdShed. Each week, one Spelling task and one Maths activity will be set. These activities are important to consolidate and reinforce the learning that is happening in the classroom. 

The link below can be used to access your child's account. They will be given their log in details to bring home. 


In addition to the EdShed homework, all children will be expected to read at home regularly and bring their chosen reading book in to school every day.


Reading to/with your child regularly is very beneficial and the greatest way that you can support their learning at home. 



Water bottles should be clearly named and brought to school each day.


A healthy snack of fruit or raw vegetables can be brought in for break times (this is no longer provided, now the children are in Year 3)





We have been exploring life in an Anglo Saxon village and made some model houses.

In Science, Year 3 have been learning rocks and soils, including how fossils are formed. They have also started learning about Light and shadows. They have enjoyed making shadow animals on the playground while lining up!

Artwork inspired by the Ancient Greeks. We have explored patterns and designs of Greek vases and learnt how these were made as well as the stories they tell us.

As part of Stone Age Day in Year 3, we built Stonehenge and carried out a burial ceremony to send the chief on his way to the afterlife!

Practising our pentatonic compositions.

Design Technology - We have designed and made our cam mechanisms. These cam mechanisms had a rainforest theme to link with our learning in Geography. We are very proud of our work!

Design Technology - making vegetable soup. After comparing different varieties of tinned vegetable soup and learning about the food eaten by the Anglo-Saxons, we designed and made our own vegetable soup. We tried to use vegetables which were in season and locally produced.

We have been using the story, 'The Bear and the Piano, as inspiration for work in dance. We've learnt about and experimented with the 5 elements of dance: jump, turn, stillness, gesture and travel and have combined these movements to choreograph our work. We have started working in pairs and learnt how important trust is when trying out counterbalances and weight sharing. The children have been really imaginative and brave when trying out their own creative movement ideas.

On National Poetry Day Year 3 joined other schools across the country with a Michael Rosen Crowdcast session. They enjoyed listening to Michael perform his poems, joined in with some and were inspired to write a poem of their own called, 'I was Born in the Potato Age'. 3B were particularly excited to hear Michael Rosen mention them and perform one of their favourite poems, 'Fast Food'!

Read 3B's Michael Rosen inspired poem, 'I Was Born in the Potato Age', here!
