At Clifford Road Primary School we believe that effective assessment is fundamental to high quality teaching and learning. Assessment is a continuous process which is integral to teaching and learning allowing children to reach their full potential.
The aims of assessment are:
To facilitate the growth mindset belief that all children can succeed
To allow teachers to respond accurately to the learning needs of each child and ensure that all children make progress
To enable children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do
To enable children to have ownership of their learning and assessment and become reflective learners
To allow informative and productive conversations with pupils and parents
To allow leaders to evaluate and continually improve the quality of provision for all children
Using formative assessment to inform teaching and learning, and providing for the learning needs of all pupils
| Formative assessment = assessment for learning Typical methods of formative assessment include:
Teachers can then use this evidence to:
Using summative assessment to provide information to pupils, parents and teachers about overall performance at a specific point in their learning
| Summative assessments occur at different intervals, such as at the end of a unit of work, once a term, or at the end of the year. The information it gives indicates pupil progress and achievement in the knowledge and skills in a particular area of learning, often in grade-related or numerical terms. Teachers use this information to inform the next steps in their planning or to highlight gaps in pupil knowledge and identify areas that they may need to re-emphasised. The assessment data may also identify where interventions will be required. The information gathered from summative assessment is used during pupil progress meetings and is also analysed at whole-school to help impact assess and evaluate the school’s effectiveness. Summative assessments used will:
Using national standardised summative assessment to provide information on how pupils are performing in relation to those nationally | Nationally standardised assessments are used to:
Nationally standardised summative assessment enables the school leadership team to benchmark the school’s performance against other schools locally and nationally, and make judgements about the school’s effectiveness. The government and OFSTED also make use of nationally standardised summative assessment to provide a starting point for Ofsted’s discussions, when making judgements about the school’s performance.
Statutory assessment (2022-23): | Documents: |
Reception Baseline Assessment Early years foundation stage profile | Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework New Development Matters: non statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage |
Year 1 phonic screening check Year 2 phonic screening re-check | 2023 phonics screening check: administration guidance |
End of Key Stage 1 assessment | Key Stage 1 203 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) |
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check | Assessment framework for the year 4 multiplication tables check (MTC) |
End of Key Stage 2 assessment | Key Stage 2 2023 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) |
Giving constructive feedback to pupils in a way that enable them to have an active role in identifying their own learning needs and how to make progress | Teachers will make reference to the Feedback and Marking Expectations document the key principles of which are:
Developing pupil involvement in demonstrating their learning so that they can discuss their personal ambitions and achievements, and attitudes to learning | Teachers will ensure that personalised learning is at the heart of pupil self assessment. They will:
Making summative assessment judgement for children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) | The school uses the DfE Proficiency in English Scale to make summative assessments of language acquisition. It uses the NASSEA EAL Assessment Framework to track pupil progress, set appropriate targets and accelerate learning. For EAL pupils in the early stages of language acquisition, the school has developed an ‘EAL learner profile’, so that his or her progress can be carefully monitored and intervention can be offered as needed. |
Using diagnostic assessments to contribute to the early and accurate identification of children’s special education needs and any requirements for support and intervention | Diagnostic assessment normally takes place at the beginning of a learning programme. It involves the teacher (or SENCo) working closely with the pupil to identify their strengths and learning needs. Teachers identify the nature of a pupil’s learning difficulties and use this information to plan interventions to address the issues discovered. Diagnostic tests used in the school include:
Making summative assessment judgements for children with SEND working below National Curriculum tests and assessments | In addition to diagnostic assessments, the school’s assessment arrangements for children with SEND will consider progress relative to starting points and will take into account the nature of the pupils’ learning difficulties. This document is for teachers to use as an assessment tool for pupils in KS1 and KS2 working below the standard of national curriculum tests and assessments. These replace P scales 1-4. The engagement model has 5 areas of engagement; these are: • exploration • realisation • anticipation • persistence • initiation If a pupil has special educational needs and their EYFS attainment against the EYFS profile has not been demonstrated at the end of this stage, the school will continue with an Early Years curriculum to support the pupil’s learning and development. In this case, the EYFS profile is used for assessment purposes in year 1.
P scales 5 to 8 have been replaced by the pre-key stage standards for KS1 and KS2. |
Recording pupils skills, knowledge, abilities and achievements using consistent methods and approaches across the school | We ensure consistency in teacher assessment by:
Using a systematic approach for informing parents of their child’s progress and giving advice on how to support learning at home | We inform parents of their child’s progress & attainment and make suggestions on how they can support learning at home by:
Our end of year reports include:
Ensuring that all staff involved in the assessment process are up to date with assessment practices within the school | To support our teaching staff we:
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