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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Our Year 2 teachers are:

2G - Mrs Gooderham (Monday - Wednesday)

and Mrs Andreadis (Thursday - Friday)

2W - Miss Warner


PPA cover teachers (Wednesday morning):

Sally Read and Miss Lovatt


The Teaching Assistants in Year 2 are:

Wendy Studd (1-1 support)

Kim Doy (1-1 support)

Grace Thompson (1-1 support)

Catherine Cullum-Whatling (1-1 support)

Cherise Phillips (1-1 support)

Hazara Khatun-Choudhury (Intervention)



Contact Year 2 staff via



The School Day

The gates open at 8:30am and close at 8:40am ready for registration. The children should enter through the doors closest to the large gate that opens onto Woodville Road. The children come straight into class to begin early work activities. 


Children in Year 2 have break time at 9:55am until 10:10am. Whilst children in KS1 are entitled to a free snack (fruit) they are welcome to bring their own but please ensure this is fruit or raw vegetables. 


Lunchtime is at 12:00pm until 1:05pm. Children can choose between pick 'n' mix, hot dinners or alternatively bringing their own pack lunch. 


The school day ends at 3.15pm. The children will be taken out into the main playground by an adult where they will be handed over. Please ensure that you inform either the class teacher or office if there is any change in who is picking up.


PE Day

PE is on a Thursday morning with the class teacher. Your child will need to come to school wearing their PE kits for the whole day. This should include a plain white t-shirt, green or black shorts (no logos or team shirts) and trainers (any colour) and plain joggers for outdoor games in the colder months.


Phonics in Year 2

Children in Year 2 will continue to follow Twinkl phonics from Reception and Year 1. Children will receive phonic lessons everyday which will continue to support their reading skills. 


Homework in Year 2

We will be sending reading books home with a reading diary. Children need to bring their books and bags into school every day as we may be using the books in class. The children can change books from the class library every week.



  • Read every day to your child – stories and nonfiction books.
  • Practice reading together - listen to your child and help them. Record their reading in the reading diary.


Any concerns or questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.


