Welcome to the Library!
Hello! We are Ruth and Lisa and you can find us in the Library at Clifford Road doing anything to do with reading!
Our School library is open to everyone on Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes from 12-1pm. To enter, go to the Year 2 ramp and ask a pupil librarian for a pass. You can choose books, read quietly, share a story with a friend or ask a librarian to read to you. Sometimes we have extra activities like writing your own book, crafts and card games. We love to chat about your latest reads, recommend books and help with special projects. Years 3 and 4 also have a dedicated library slot each week to help with their reading challenge.
Children in Reception and Year 1 love to come in, especially with older siblings, and choose books to read in the library. Children from Year 2 upwards are able to borrow 2 books for up to 2 weeks. If you want to borrow a book for longer you can renew it and have extra time to read it. If something terrible happens to your book (baby ate it, exploding strawberry incident) and it is damaged please just let us know - there is no charge as we want everyone to enjoy their books without worrying.
Scroll down to find out more. We hope you visit us soon!
Ruth and Lisa