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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

The Year Five Teachers are:

Mrs Crossley     (5C)

Mrs Chapman   (5MC)



P.E takes place on Thursday afternoon. 

Please come to school wearing your P.E kit. 


Swimming is on Tuesday morning at Fore Street Pool. 



Our homework policy is currently being updated...


But while you wait, the most important thing you can do to help your child get back into the school term is read with them every night. Aim for twenty minutes of shared reading as may days as you can!





Wondering what might be coming up? See what last year's Year 5 got up to in our photo gallery.

Design Technology - Mars Rovers

Science - Lifecycles

Samba Dance in 5C - we had so much fun and even performed to Year 6.


Science - investigating how the incline of a ramp affected an object being pulled up and investigating gears and pulleys.

In science, we were investigating which objects were the hardest, out of a given selection.  We then investigated further, using a scratch test, looking at the scratch through magnifying glasses to decide if it was deep or shallow, long or short, and then whether this meant soft or hard.  Some of our initial ideas changed as a result.  For example, a candle was thought to be hard as it was difficult to snap, but the scratch test suggested that  it was also soft as the scratch was long and deep, with shavings coming off.

Making wrapping paper and gift tags in the style of William Morris.  

Making Kebabs in Design Technology

Reflective Storytelling of the Angels' message to the Shepherds in the Nativity Story as part of our 'Gospel' Christianity unit in RE.
