At Clifford Road Primary School, we teach focused PSHE lessons using the Jigsaw Scheme. Jigsaw brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a lesson-a-week programme.
Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive and progressive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6. Every year group covers the same ‘piece’ of the Jigsaw at the same time, introduced in an assembly at the beginning of each half term. These are:
Jigsaw holds children at its heart and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.
We are proud to share our fantastic PSHE work
Celebrating difference
Building Learning Power: the 5Rs
Building Learning Power is about helping pupils to become better learners, both in school and out. Professor Guy Claxton developed Building Learning Power and we have been keen to develop it in our classrooms at Clifford Road Primary School.
We know that pupils who are more confident of their own learning ability learn faster and learn better. They concentrate more, think harder and more creatively and find learning more enjoyable.
Building Learning Power prepares pupils for an uncertain future. Building Learning Power helps pupils to learn how to be tenacious and resourceful, imaginative and logical, self disciplined and self-aware, collaborative and inquisitive. These are skills that we want to develop and value in our pupils at Clifford Road Primary School.
The 5Rs
Building Learning Power consists of 5 key learning dispositions - the 5 Rs. We can think of the dispositions as being like ‘Learning Muscles.’
Resilience – Knowing how to get through difficulties when the going gets tough.
Reciprocity – Learning alone or with others; empathising and listening.
Resourcefulness – Using both internal and external resources effectively; questioning and reasoning.
Reflectiveness – Taking a longer term view by planning and taking stock.
Responsiblilty – Being mindful of your actions and making the right choices; being dependable.
Learning Heroes
Twice a month on a Monday morning, we celebrate Building Learning Powers with a special “Learning Heroes” Assembly. Class Teachers nominate one child who has displayed /used their Learning Muscles in class; they then receive a badge during assembly.