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The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson

Watch Kwame perform the poem in two different settings: in the form of a video for American news network ESPN, and to children as part of a Book Trust book show.

Which part of the book interested you most? What do you wish you knew more about? Browse the links below to find out more. Remember, we have only checked the pages you are taken directly to. If you explore further afield, make sure your grown-ups are happy with your choices. If in doubt, navigate back to safety.

We have dealt with some very serious issues regarding racism and black history - it's not surprising if you feel upset by some of the things you have learned about through this book - your teachers feel upset about them too! You are always welcome to talk to us or another trusted adult about the issues raised. You will also find some excellent advice on the Newsround website. 