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Term 1 Big Question: What do people believe is important?


Autumn 1

Christianity: Believing
Why was Jesus given the name ‘saviour’?


Learning Questions:

  • What does it mean to rescue or save someone or something?
  • Who is the annunciation story important to?How did Mary feel about being God’s helper?What do you know about the Christmas stories/characters?
  • What were the different characters told about Jesus?
  • What special name do Christians today use for Jesus? What’s in a name?
  • What if you had been given the name helper? What would Jesus do when he grew up? How would he save and rescue?
  • What happens in church at advent?
  • How does it feel to wait for...presents?...Arescuer?
  • Who needs saving/helping in our world? When did Mary, Joseph and Jesus need help? How does Posada recall this part of the story? How does Posada encourage Christians to be helpers like Jesus?
  • Why should Christians help?


Autumn 2

Judaism Teshuvah
Why do Jewish families talk about repentance (Teshuvah) at Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)?


Learning Questions:

  • What is ‘saying sorry’ and forgiveness?How is New Year celebrated in the Jewish faith?
  • What does the story of Jonah and the whale teach?
  • What do people do during the Ten Days of Return?
  • How do we put things right at school? (repentance)
  • How does the Jewish community show repentance at Yom Kippur?
  • What happens at the synagogue? What is important about Yom Kippur?

Term 2 Big Question: Who is it right to follow?


Spring 1

Islam: Believing/mercy
How do some Muslims show that Allah is compassionate and merciful?


Learning Questions:

  • What do we do to show we care? What is compassion?
  • Why should Muslims show compassion and mercy?
  • Who do Muslims call the Creator and the Life-giver?
  • What can you learn from these Muslim stories about compassion?
  • What is a messenger? What messages can you find on our story trail?
  • Who is the best guide for Muslims? What can we find out about Ramadan?
  • How do Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr? How do Muslims show compassion at Eid?


Spring 2

Christianity: Disciple – Leaders and teachers
Why do Christians trust Jesus and follow him?


Learning Questions:

  • How do we recognise who to trust?
  • Why did the first Christians trust Jesus over 2,000 years ago?
  • What happened when Zacchaeus met Jesus? Why did he trust Jesus? What about those in the other stories studied? How do Christians today learn more about trusting and following Jesus? Why is the Creed important?
  • Why do Christians trust and follow Jesus today?

Term 3 Big Question: Can books and stories be good teachers?


Summer 1

Judaism : Torah/Rabbi
Why is the Torah such a joy for Jewish Community?


Learning Questions:

  • Why are these people (in the artist’spictures) rejoicing?
  • What is Simchat Torah?
  • How can you tell that the Torah makes people happy?
  • Why is the Torah such an important book for Jewish people?
  • What is inside a Torah Scroll?
  • What is inside a Bible? (Focus: Story of Moses)
  • Why is the Torah kept somewhere special in a Synagogue? What is the Holy Ark? Why is a Bimah important?
  • How is a Mezuzah used by Jewish people? What does it remind them of?


Summer 2

Christianity : Parables/Gospel

What did Jesus teach about God in his parables?


Learning Questions:

  • What is a Parable?
  • Can we find some inside meaning in oneof Jesus’ parables?
  • How could Christians pass this story on? (The Lost sheep)
  • What do you think Jesus wanted to teach about God in this parable?
  • What do you think the parable (The Prodigal Son) is about? What happens in this parable?
  • How could this story be passed on?
  • What did Jesus want people to learn from it?
  • What did people learn about God from the story (The Good Samaritan?)
  • What have we learnt about Christian beliefs about God from these parables? What can a Christian tell us about God from another parable? (OTB Team using the Lion Storyteller Bible)