Autumn Term
Learning Focus Digital Photography and What is a computer?
Learning questions
Digital photography
Can a photograph be taken landscape or portrait? Which is better?
What makes a good photograph?
How can photographs be improved?
What tools can be used to change an image?
What is a computer?
Can you name different peripherals and explain the functions of each of the parts?
How do we know technology is doing what we want it to?
What different forms of technology are there? What does the technology do and why is it classed as ‘technology’?
What is input and output?
How is technology used in the real world?
Online safety
What is meant by online information? What information is safe to be shared online?
Why do we need strong passwords? How can we make things private online?
Learning questions
Programming Scratchjr
What did the blocks in your code do? What do the different colours of the blocks mean?
What is a loop and why is it useful?
Why is sequencing important? How can algorithms help us when we’re programming? Stop motion
What is animation?
What is stop motion animation and how do you create one?
What is ‘onion skinning’ and how does this help animators?
What is a frame?
How do you add/create effects to a stop motion?
Online safety
How can I check the reliability of information I find online? Why might people post false