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RE Year One Autumn Term

Learning Questions: 

Christianity: Belonging 

  1. Where do we belong and feel welcome?
  2. How do we make new people welcome?
  3. What does it feel like to belong and be welcome?
  4. What questions can we ask about Christening/Baptism?
  5. What happens at a Church of England Baptism?  (To compare, I am happy for you to use photos from my children’s dedications, which is a blessing similar to Christening, but what happens at a Baptist Church.)
  6. What kind of presents are given at a Christening/baptism and why?
  7. How can a song make you feel welcome?
  8. How did Jesus make people feel welcome in this story? (Jesus welcoming the children.)
  9. How will people at church welcome a baby for baptism?
  10. What happens after a Baptism service?
  11. How does belonging to God and the church family help people on their journey to faith?




Christianity: Stories and Books

  1. What is a Parable?
  2. Can we find some inside meaning in one of Jesus’ parables?
  3. How could Christians pass this story on? (The Lost sheep)
  4. What do you think Jesus wanted to teach about God in this parable?
  5. What do you think the parable (The Prodical Son) is about?  What happens in this parable?
  6. How could this story be passed on? 
  7. What did Jesus want people to learn from it?
  8. What did people learn about God from the story (The Good Samaritan?)
  9. What have we learnt about Christian beliefs about God from these parables?
  10. What can a Christian tell us about God from another parable? (OTB Team using the Lion Storyteller Bible)

RE Year One Summer Term


Learning Theme:  Prayer and Worship

Learning questions

  1. Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings?
  2. What is being ‘thankful’? Who do you say thank you to?
  3. How does a Sukkah help Jewish families to be thankful to God?
  4. What makes us thankful?
  5. How do Jewish children say thank you to God in blessings?
  6. What else can we find out about what happens at Sukkot?  What else is there to be thankful for?
  7. What can we ask about the blessing with Lulav and Etrog?
  8. How are these candles to do with ‘stopping time’?
  9. What is the story of Creation? What does it say about stopping and resting?
  10. How does a Jewish family get ready for Shabbat and what prayers are said?
  11. How does the Jewish community pray at the synagogue?

How does Shabbat end with a blessing and prayer?

