Autumn Term
What is North America like?
Key Learning Questions:
- What are the countries of North America?
- What is the climate of North America?
- What are the geographical features?
- How do time zones work?
- How is it different to where we live?
Spring Term
Key learning questions
- How are mountains formed?
- Where are the world’s mountains?
- What are the names and location of the world’s mountain ranges?
- Where are the biggest mountains in the world?
- Where are the mountains in the UK?
- What are topographical maps and what do they tell us about mountains?
- What effect does tourism have on mountain environments?
Summer Term
Local industry and Natural resources
Key learning Questions:
- Why are there docks in Ipswich?
- Why is there a port at Felixstowe?
- How are natural resources used and processed in the UK?
- What natural resources are there in other countries?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of using natural resources?
- How is energy produced? (renewable and non-renewable)
- How can we use energy sustainably?