This term we will be covering the following units:
- Number to 20
- Counting to 20
- Understanding numbers to 20
- One more and one less
- Using the number line
- Compare numbers to 20
- Order numbers to 20
Addition and subtraction within 20
- Add by counting on within 20
- Finding and using number bonds
- Double and near doubles
- Subtraction – count back
- Subtraction – find the difference
- Related facts – fact families
- Missing number problems
- Solve word and picture problems
Numbers to 50
- Count to 50
- Understanding numbers to 50
- Count by making groups of 10s
- 10s and 1s
Length and height
- Compare lengths and heights
- Measure length
- Word problems
Mass and capacity
- Heavier and lighter
- Measure and compare mass
- Full and empty
- Measure and compare capacity
- Word problems