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Autumn Term

Chemistry: Use of every day materials


Key Learning Questions:

Can you explain how you could change the shape of different materials?

Can you list some materials that can be squashed, stretched, twisted or bent?

Can you list some materials that cannot have their shape changed?

Which material would be best for building a house?

Some houses are made from wood and others from bricks. Which material would you choose and why did you choose it?

Spring Term

Biology: Living things and their habitats


Key Learning Questions:

  • What is a ‘living’ thing?
  • Can you name some different habitats of animals (or plants)?
  • Can you explain a micro-habitat and explain what it is?
  • Why do all food chains start with a plant?
  • What do you think might happen if the sun stopped shining?

Summer Term

Biology: Plants

Biology: Animals, including humans


Key Learning Questions:

  • Can you name some plants that grow from seeds?
  • Can you name some plants that grow from bulbs?
  • Can you describe what you would need to do to get a seed to grow?
  • Can you explain what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy?
  • Can you describe how humans change during their lifetime?
  • Can you explain why exercise, a balanced diet and good hygiene are important for humans?