Autumn Term
What was it like living in a castle?
The Great Fire of London
Learning Questions:
What is a castle?
When were they built? – What were the Middle Ages the middle of?
Why were castles built?
Where was the best place to build a castle? [What do you need close by?]
What did they keep in the keep?
What went on inside a castle? – What jobs were the same/different to now?
Why did castles have moats?
What weapons did people use?
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Where and when did the Great Fire begin?
Spring Term
Polo to Pole: Race to the South Pole
Learning Questions:
Who was Matthew Henson?
What do we know about Antarctica?
Why do people want to explore the Poles?
What was the ‘Race to the Poles?’
Why is Ernest Shackleton an important historical figure?
What was it like to be the crew of Shackleton’s expedition?
How do versions of the same event compare?
What are the photos not telling us?
What happened because...?
How should he be remembered?
How would a modern day expedition differ?
Summer term
The Changing World: The life and achievements of Mary Seacole, Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Charles Darwin.
Learning Questions:
What things have changed in the last 150 years?
What difference did [Mary Seacole/ Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/. Charles Darwin] make?
How do versions about the same person differ?
What was it like to be [Mary Seacole/ Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/ Charles Darwin]?
What happened because (a life event of Mary Seacole/ Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/ Charles Darwin]?
What contribution did [Mary Seacole/ Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/ Charles Darwin] make?
How and for what should [Mary Seacole/ Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/ Charles Darwin] be remembered?
Who are the modern day pioneers?