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Primary School and Nursery

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Autumn Term


This term we will:


Being me in my world.  

  • Know that there are universal rights for all children but for many children these rights are not met.
  • Understand my own wants and needs and compare these with children in different communities.


Celebrating differences.

  • Explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration.
  • Show empathy for people in either situation.



Spring Term


This term we will:


Dreams and goals.

  • Describe some ways in which I can help work with other people to make the world a better place.
  • Identify why we are motivated to do this


Healthy me.

  • Evaluate when alcohol is being used responsibly, anti-socially or is being misused.
  • Tell you how I feel about using alcohol when I am older and my reasons for this



Summer Term:



What is mindfulness?

• What tips can you give me for taking care of my own mental health?

• What is the grief cycle? Do you have any tips for dealing with grief?

• Who do you talk to online? What would you do if they said something that you didn’t like?

• How do you know if a website is genuine?


Changing me:



What are the changes that will happen to your body over the next few years?

• What does mutual respect mean? Why is that important in a relationship?

• What are you excited about in secondary school?

• What are you worried about in secondary school? What can we do with these worries?


