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Autumn Term

Desktop publishing


Key learning questions:

  • How do text and images convey information?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
  • How can text and the layout of a document be edited?
  • What do the terms ‘templates’, ‘orientation’ and ‘placeholders’ mean?
  • How do you add content to a template?
  • What are the different layouts and how can they suit different purposes?
  • What are the benefits of desktop publishing?


Networks and the internet


Key learning questions:

  • Why are networks used?
  • What examples of real-life networks are there?
  • What problems might occur in a network and how are these dealt with?
  • How are networks connected to the internet? What is a website?
  • What is a router? What do they have to do? How could websites load more quickly?
  • What are packets?


Spring Term


Programming: Scratch


Key learning questions:


  • What happens when certain blocks are added to the code?
  • What is a loop? What does it do? Why would we want to use a loop?
  • How do different blocks create specific effects?
  • Why is it important to choose appropriate blocks? How do I debug my coding?
  • What does ‘decompose’ and ‘algorithm’ mean?




Key learning questions:


  • What is an email and why do we use them?
  • What type of file would be useful to attach to an email?
  • Why is it important to be kind online?
  • In what ways can we deal with cyberbullying?
  • How can you tell if an email is real or fake?

   Year 3 Summer Term

Learning Questions:  


Comparison cards databases

What is meant by field, record and data?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of computerised and paper databases?

How can you sort the data so that you can quickly find what you are looking for? Why might you need to filter results?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating graphs and charts?

Why are online databases useful?


Video trailers

What does ‘abstraction’ mean?

What effects can be created by different frame shots?

How can a video be edited?

What are transitions in films and how can these be incorporated in a video?

What makes a successful video?


Online safety

What digital devices can be used to share personal information amongst each other?  How do devices communicate with the internet to provide information and data?

How can we protect ourselves and our personal information on social media platforms?
